Burnout + The Fertility Pathway: Nutrition Practices to Support Your Body

When we talk about managing burnout symptoms, we have to address the fertility pathway. Fertility is a sign of SYSTEMIC health and wellbeing. It’s not just about trying to put a bun in the oven! Rather than adding more shit to your list of things to do, I’m here to talk about how you can heal by adding nutrition to your plate.

What and how you eat is an essential component of helping the body synthesize and regulate hormones and reduce stress. Inadequate nutrition contributes to ovulatory disorders that de-regulate your cycle and inhibit implantation. Here are a few ways each component of your balanced plate supports your fertility pathway:

Protein (1/4+ of your plate)

High bioavailable proteins, e.g., meat, eggs, dairy, support your liver’s detox process, which helps your body get rid of estrogen. They also provide the essential nutrients that promote blood sugar balance and reduce inflammation.

Animal-based proteins are also correlated with lowered testosterone levels and contain vital amino acids (building blocks of proteins), which synthesize neurotransmitters and hormones. For those struggling with PCOS specifically, adequate protein intake deregulates steroidogenesis, which increases ovarian and adrenal androgens.

Non-Starchy Fruits and Veggies (1/2 of your plate)

By adding lots of colorful fruits and vegetables to your plate you are getting antioxidants that reduce inflammation as well as plenty of gut supporting fiber. Eating 25-30 grams of fiber daily reduces beta-glucuronidase in the intestine, which helps to excrete excess estrogen out of the body. Beta-glucoronidase is an enzyme in the large intestine that enables estrogen to be recirculated and reabsorbed in the body, influencing hormonal processes. Fiber reduces this enzyme in the gut and supports detoxification of excess hormones.

Some quick and easy ways to get more color and fiber on your plate are to add a handful of leafy greens to soups, stews, and egg dishes; mix zucchini noodles in with regular noodles; or top off your oatmeal with berries

Starchy Fruits and Veggies + Carbs (~1/4 of your plate)

Carbohydrates have a place on your plate and you should run away from any specialist that tells you to eliminate them from your diet. Carbs play an essential role in regulating blood sugar and insulin levels. If your blood sugar and/or insulin levels are too high, your sex hormone levels can be thrown out of whack, which can ultimately impact ovulation.

The important thing to consider with your carb intake is the quality of those carbs- simple vs. complex. Simple carbs, like white bread or pasta, are great when you need quick energy and also provide a comfort component that is important to honor. Rather than, cut them out entirely, add balance by pairing them with a fat or protein. Complex carbs, like quinoa or sweet potatoes, are the ones you want to make sure you are getting enough of though. In addition to stopping your blood sugar from spiking as high and quickly as simple carbs, they are also a source of fiber!

Fats (1/2 thumb sizes)

Heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important to a balanced plate and the fertility pathway. They transport nutrients throughout the body and form integral cell membrane. If you are not getting enough fat, you are not able to make cells efficiently or effectively. Focus on unsaturated fats like avocados, olive oil, seeds, nuts, and fatty fish as anti-inflammatory components in the diet. And, when trying to conceive, remember to opt for low-mercury fish such as salmon, flounder, clams, and anchovies.

Listen, I’m never going to be the person that tells you to never eat a donut ever again. But, you do want to be careful around them when trying to improve your fertility pathway. Trans fats–found in fried and processed foods can mess with metabolic function, cause ovulatory dysfunction, and contribute to hormone imbalance. Keep them as a sometimes food and consume mindfully!

Do you want help learning how to eat to help your body synthesize and regulate hormones, reduce stress, and support your fertility pathway? Let’s chat! I love helping women feel empowered, confident in their bodies, and EXCITED for the journey ahead! Contact me here if you want to talk.

Stay tuned for my next post on burnout + the fertility pathway and how to implement lifestyle practices for better energy!


Burnout + The Fertility Pathway: Lifestyle Practices to Support Your Body


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