6 Ways to Improve Your Gut Health

When was the last time you checked in on your gut health? 🤔

If it's been awhile and you are ignoring symptoms of GI discomfort like gas, bloating, or diarrhea or you have just come to accept them as part of life, it could be affecting your energy, metabolism, mood, and general awesomeness!


Nothing is isolated when it comes to your body! In fact, your gut health is intricately intertwined with other systems ...

Neurotransmitters are synthesized and regulated via the microbiome, which impacts everything from how much serotonin you have in your system to pain sensitivity.

The gut microbiome controls immune function and how your body responds to infection.

Healthy bacteria communicate with other cells to help regulate blood sugar and keep energy levels stable.

Last but not least, your gut is THE place where hormones are often synthesized and regulated. For example, poor gut health reduces estrogen clearance from the body and can result in estrogen dominance.


So what you can do to support your gut so you can get back to living your life instead of stressing about everything you eat? Here are 6 tips:

1️⃣Eat probiotic foods like sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, and kimchi can benefit the microbiota by enhancing its function. My fave? Plain, natural yogurt!

2️⃣Eat enough energy and variety. It is essential for proper absorption of nutrients.

3️⃣Eat 35 g of fiber a day to feed your happy gut bacteria.

4️⃣Reduce stress, which can wreak havoc on your digestive system. You can start small. Try decreasing caffeine intake, laughing, yoga, or playing with a pet

5️⃣Drink plenty of water. It has been shown to have a beneficial effect on the mucosal lining of the intestines

6️⃣Go to bed! Improved sleep quality is associated with diversity of bacteria present in the gut

Want help figuring out how to get your systems playing well together so that we can improve your health and wellness? Join my online program. This program is tailored to address the nutrition and lifestyle needs of burned out millennial women. Sign up on the website or learn more by sending me a message.


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