6 Nutrition and Self Care Tips for HPA Axis Dysfunction
In my last post, HPA Axis 101, I talked how a healthy HPA axis works and what happens when it gets dysregulated and your body is no longer able to respond to stress. Today I’m talking how to nourish and care for your body so that it can calm the eff down and the HPA axis can do it’s job regulating cortisol.
Balance Your Blood Sugar
Focus on eating enough, eating consistently, and balancing your plate so that you're balancing blood sugar and not sending your body into stress mode. A balanced plate is an essential component of helping the body synthesize and regulate hormones. Aim for 35 grams fiber/day, 80 - 100 grams protein/day, and focusing on healthy, anti-inflammatory fats in omega 3s. Set timers for meals and snacks if your appetite is suppressed by anxiety.
Asses Your Eating Environment
If your body experiences stress while you are eating, such as eating while driving or reading a negative article, your body can go into fight or flight mode. In this state, your heart rate spikes, digestion slows, and adrenaline pumps out. This is not ideal for digestion and hormone regulation. When you are in a state of rest and digest, your body can better absorb nutrients, balance hormones, and eliminate waste. This helps you thrive rather than just survive!
Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol
Alcohol and caffeine cause higher amounts of cortisol to be released, shifting your hormonal balance and changing the way your body responds to stress. You don’t necessarily need to eliminate them entirely but you do want to reduce. For caffeine that means, no more than 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning and for alcohol you might want to opt for low ABV drinks.
Address Your Sleep Hygiene
Sleep is an integral part of the mind body connection. It plays a key role in regulating appetite hormones, fertility hormones, gut microbiome, and healing the body at a cellular level.
Some tips for getting adequate rest: wake up and go to bed at the same time every day; unwind with screen free time; and make sure your sleeping space is dark enough, cool enough, and quiet enough.
Set Boundaries
Burnout happens when you don't have or constantly override your boundaries. Be preemptive about your needs, say no to others, take time for yourself, recover, and heal.
Movement should energize you rather than deplete you. Work out in a way that supports that balance so that your body can recover and keep showing up daily. If your burned out, you want to reduce intense cardio and focus on restoration and functional strength training.
If you are tired of feeling tired and ready to start supporting your for stable hormones, more energy, and better mood, join my online program. This program is tailored to address the nutrition and lifestyle needs of burned out millennial women. Sign up on the website or learn more by sending me a message.