Understanding Your Cravings

What is one food that you crave? I crave chocolate right before my period. I think many of you might have the same craving. For the longest time I just did not understand the logic behind this craving. Not understanding led to my feeling like I couldn't control myself around chocolate - like it was MY problem.⁠ It wasn't until I learned the mechanism behind the craving that I started to be able to handle them in a more positive way.

Cravings happen for a reason y’all! They are not meant to be feared or judged. They are not a reflection of your will power. It's your body and/or hormones telling you something is up. The key to managing your cravings rather than fighting them is understanding WHY you are having them in the first place. ⁠

why you're full but not satisfied.png

In my experience, cravings come in two categories. The first is an energy shortage and the second is biological distress. The energy related cravings are typically signaling that you are not eating enough or getting enough of a certain nutrient. This often occurs when you are following a restrictive diet that limits your calories or eliminates certain foods *cough*weight watchers beach body keto whole 30 *cough*. It can also happen if you go too long in between meals or if your plate was imbalanced, e.g., lacking protein or carbs.

The second set of cravings culprits are related to changes in your body that knock you out of balance. This could be a response to not getting enough sleep, not hydrating properly, or changes in your hormones. Alternatively, the stress could come from an external source such as a toxic workplace or, I dunno know, a global pandemic. Wherever the source, this stress can impact your appetite hormones, cortisol, and blood sugar.

So, if you crave carbs or have a sweet tooth, what your body is actually saying is, “I’m stressed. I need something.” Instead of ignoring the signals ASK why, LISTEN to your body, and GIVE it what it needs.

There is no right or wrong answer. In some cases, the end result will be honoring the craving and other times it will be taking a different action. What is important is acting mindfully rather than mindlessly. When you are mindful, you are able to make choices like these:
1️⃣ You get the food you want, add some nutrition to it (protein or fat or fiber), are satisfied, and comforted
2️⃣ You feel empowered around food and your in your body
3️⃣ You recognize what you really need in that moment and you’re able to get what you need. Is it food, or emotional support from a friend? It could be either or both but the important part is that you’re working with your body.

If you start to notice a pattern, this can be an indicator of how you can address and work with your body to help you understand your cravings. In my case, once I associated my desire for chocolate with my cycle everything started to make sense. Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants and rich in magnesium both of which the body needs as hormones shift in the premenstrual phase. Secondly, these hormonal shifts also effect insulin balance so I craved instant energy. By understanding my body's feedback, I became better able to preemptively meet those cravings in a way that is both balanced and healthy rather than acting like a full blown monster, diving face first into chocolate ice cream for breakfast.⁠

Cravings don’t have to turn you into a monster. In fact you can use your cravings as a way of connecting with your body for better mood, metabolic function and energy levels. The next time you notice a craving, go through the practice below before you respond to the craving. If you need help answering the first question, check out the graphic to the right.

  1. Am I physically hungry?

  2. What is going on in the moment?

  3. What feelings am I feeling?

  4. When was the last time I ate food, drank water, took a break, had a bowel movement, talked to a friend?

  5. What do I need  to handle my emotions in this moment?

If food is the answer, have what you want. Just make sure it is a balanced meal or snack. Incorporate foods that will reduce stress response and increase blood glucose stabilization, like proteins, and increase satisfaction, like fats.

Emotional Hunger or Physical Hunger_ (1).png

If you want to learn how to work with your body's hormones to support weight loss, energy levels, and mood, let's connect. I help women eat to support their body goals, biological function, and well being by teaching them how to understand their bodies.


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