Four Tips for Improving Hormone Balance

Who's ready to kick ass today?🙋⁠

Hormones are where it's at! Can't stress it enough here. Women are not taught the basics of hormonal balance. Eating to support those little buggers can turn you from bitch to boss bitch! No joke. You wanna be a boss bitch today?⁠ How you eat and what you eat informs your hormonal balance. Our hormones are tied to our stress, which is tied to our appetite, which is tied to the rest of the way we function - think PMS, mood, weight, inflammation, stress, gut function, general happiness.

Start taking care of business today with these 4 easy swaps for happy hormones.

Instead of just coffee for breakfast, try a balanced breakfast. 🥓🍳

So you skip breakfast in order to save calories and you read somewhere that fasting til noon helps you lose weight. But then noon rolls around and you’re moody AF, have zero energy and can’t think straight. You over eat way too fast at lunch cuz you JUST. CAN’T. STOP. Mid afternoon sugar cravings hit you like a ton of bricks. Gimme the cookies ALL. THE. COOKIES. Your anxiety starts to rise because you’ve got so much to do and where does the time go and you’re having a real hard time concentrating. Too tired to workout, so you skip the gym. You get done with work, and you’re too hungry to cook so you order a burrito. By the time it comes you’ve already had half a bag of tortilla chips because, well you were hungry and you have no will power.

Except it’s not about will power. It’s about your ability to listen to your body and understand how to eat in order to set your hormonal balance up for success. Want more energy, better mood, and a more mindful approach to eating and living? Eating breakfast high in protein, fat, and fiber reduces cravings, binges, and inflammation; balances blood sugar and adrenal response; and improves mood, energy, and empowerment! Skipping breakfast sets your day up for a game of catch up. Not ideal for someone needing to be on their A game.

Instead of going no carb, try pairing your carb with a protein or fat.🍎🧀

Diet culture has been demonizing carbs for years as the food group you must eliminate in order to lose weight or heal hormonal imbalances. That is not true! You need carbs for that “get up and go” energy, for healthy hormone balance, metabolic function, AND TO HELP YOUR BRAIN WORK. Carbs are the fuel your brain needs to think fast and thrive.

Pairing a carb with a protein, helps slow the rate of absorption of glucose into the bloodstream and stabilize the insulin response. They also take longer to break down in the body so it can help you maintain your feeling of fullness over a longer period of time. Pairing with a fat, slows the rise and fall of blood sugar because it takes longer to digest it and also helps you feel full longer. Additionally, fats do not secrete insulin so if you pair a carb with a fat, it reduces the insulin response.

Instead of fasting, try eating consistently throughout the day.

Your behaviors, practices, and mindset around food impact your metabolism, hormones, and body confidence just as much as what you eat. Ideally you want to time your eating with your circadian rhythm so you have adequate energy throughout the day and your cortisol response remains in check. This helps balance hormones, promotes stable blood glucose, and reduces cravings. When you eat too little or go too long without a snack or meal, it can cause high insulin which leads to low blood sugar and sets off the inflammatory pathway.

Instead of some trendy cleanse, try lots of fiber from whole fruits and vegetables.

Fiber is the indigestible material found in plant-based foods. Fiber adds volume to your food to make you feel full longer, helps balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation, feeds the good gut bacteria that supports immune function, mood, & hormone balance, and helps you have awesome poops!

In other words, fiber prevents energy crashes, keeps your gut happy, and stops you from being a cranky, constipated monster that no one wants to be around. Aim to get 30 grams a day. It doesn’t have to be hard! Just keep a few things in reach and add to whatever you’ve already got in your hand.

Hunger isn't something you have to fear or ignore. Learn to embrace the signals your body sends you to help it work BETTER.

Wanna learn more about how you can support your hormones to feel like you kick ass all day long? I help women stop fighting their bodies so they feel strong, powerful, and confident. Apply for 1:1 coaching with me today.


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