How to Draw Boundaries Around Diet Talk

If you’re new to a non diet approach to living or struggling with body image or body respect, you might be going crazy with all the people talking diets around you. What you are willing to expose your energy to is very important and that includes diet talk. This can be really impactful on your confidence and the way you view yourself. If this is something you are struggling with or is affecting you, it is your job to draw boundaries around what kinds of conversations you are willing to take part in.

Here are a few ways you can draw boundaries around diet and body talk so that you don’t lose your mind.

Photo by Official on Unsplash

Tips for Shutting Down Diet Talk

✨You have the choice to walk away. Literally. Just turn around and walk away or turn to someone else and start a different conversation.

✨You have the ability to change the subject. If your work colleague is going keto (again) you can say "Cool. Good for you. How about the weather?" Model the types of conversations you want to have.

✨You don't owe anyone an explanation or justification. A non-reaction is a reaction. It's literally no one's business what you're eating or not eating. By taking the conversation off the table you take away any sort of external validation for going on a diet.

✨Be a brick, not a sponge. Sponges absorb energy and in this case you want it to roll off you. Drawing boundaries around what types of energy you're wiling to absorb can protect your wellbeing and that’s the goal here.

✨Last, understand that it is not your job to change anyone's mind or make them see your way of thinking. You can't and if it's too exhausting or infuriating for you to try, then you don't have to pick up that baggage. I understand the struggle of wanting them to understand the truth but some people are just not ready.

Remember it's your job to draw your own boundaries to protect your energy. While you won't be able to control what other people say, you can control your reactions and the types of conversations you're willing to partake in.

Need help with diet recovery and burnout? Hit me up!


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