Food • Fitness • Fertility • Feminism

Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

The Balanced Plate for Happy Hormones

What and how you eat is an essential component of helping the body synthesize and regulate hormones and reduce stress. Supporting the process with a balanced plate is key! It doesn't have to be complicated. Keep it simple and use the following as a guide.

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Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

How to Draw Boundaries Around Diet Talk

If you’re new to a non diet approach to living or struggling with body image or body respect, you might be going crazy with all the people talking diets around you. What you are willing to expose your energy to is very important and that includes diet talk. This can be really impactful on your confidence and the way you view yourself.

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Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

The Case for All Foods Fit

We have all been conditioned to split foods into two categories: good or bad and in doing so we begin to associate ourselves as either good or bad if we eat those foods. Maybe you told your co-worker how bad you were at lunch for eating a cupcake or how good you were because you did not have a cupcake. Foods don’t have moral value! They do not engender right or wrong.

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Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

Book Review: Dietland by Sarai Walker

The first meeting of the Woman Up Wellness Book Club book took place in August! I started this as a fun way for women in my private Facebook group to connect with each other and have discussions related to food freedom, self care, and well being. Since it is summer, we decided to kick things off with a page-turning, fictional novel, Dietland by Sarai Walker. As described on the author’s website, “Dietland is a bold, original, and funny debut novel that takes on the beauty industry, gender inequality, and our weight loss obsession—from the inside out, and with fists flying.” Read on for my review and insights from the book.

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Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

Quitting The Clean Plate Club

Quick question: When you’re out to dinner and you’re feeling full, are you able leave that last, lonely meatball on a plate by itself? Or do you insist on eating it despite your fullness? Leaving that meatball is hard, man. I know!

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Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Food Freedom Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

3 reasons Why BMI is Bogus!

This one is for all the people out there who have been called or thought of as unhealthy based on BMI. If you’re not a white dude, it just won’t work for you. Yet it’s still used as a health barometer for EVERYONE...go figure.

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