Food • Fitness • Fertility • Feminism

Women's Health Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Women's Health Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

Burnout + The Fertility Pathway: Lifestyle Practices to Support Your Body

If you want to manage burnout symptoms, you have to address the fertility pathway.

If you want to manage the fertility pathway, you have to address burnout symptoms.

It’s all connected babe! So if you want to have a better menstrual cycle, happy hormones, and feel good in your body, you have to address stress, sleep, and movement!

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Women's Health Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Women's Health Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

Burnout + The Fertility Pathway: Nutrition Practices to Support Your Body

When we talk about managing burnout symptoms, we have to address the fertility pathway. Fertility is a sign of SYSTEMIC health and wellbeing. It’s not just about trying to put a bun in the oven! Rather than adding more shit to your list of things to do, I’m here to talk about how you can heal by adding nutrition to your plate.

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Women's Health Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN Women's Health Callie Exas MPH, MS, RDN

PCOS: The Role of Nutrition in Managing Your Symptoms

So many of my clients with PCOS tell me that when they were diagnosed they were told to lose weight and eliminate gluten, carbs, dairy, and sugar in order to manage their symptoms. But the truth is that there is not a one size fits all dietary protocol for managing PCOS. In order to get the best results, you have to first identify the root cause and then develop a targeted treatment plan.

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